Hearth Hero - Sarah

Hearth Heroes - Fire Up!

Apr 29, 2024

Are you a Parent AND Self-Employed Entrepreneur, Working-from-Home?

How are you supposed to Take Control of your business so you can balance being a parent and growing your business if you consistently have money, time and family issues getting in the way of running your business. 😱

Is it actually possible to Take Control of your business so you can balance being a parent and growing your business without breaking the bank or missing time with the family?! 🤯

I bet you’ve tried LOTS of online short courses, YouTube videos, short courses at the local adult education centre, reading books, figuring it out the hard way, constantly surfing for helpful free stuff ... And nothing has quite worked for you, right?

How do you find the ⏰ TIME ⏰ to attend training, plan and deliver the business and keep up with family tasks AND ensure continuous improvement to grow without breaking the bank or missing time with your family… if you’re effectively balancing your roles as a parent and an entrepreneur, working-from-home?

How do you justify spending money on online or classroom training to learn how to take control and grow your business if you barely have time to do it?

😨 Why's it so nerve-racking to ‘give time and money to grow your business’?

Is the constant battle to Take Control of your business so you can balance being a parent and growing your business really worth it?

Can you really Take Control of your business so you can balance being a parent and growing your business without breaking the bank or missing time with the family.

🤔 And when should you establish priorities and set boundaries?

🤔 Should you even bother with time management techniques?

🤔 Are you delegating or outsourcing? How often?

🤔 What about seeking support, ensuring self-care, flexibility and adaptability?


If any (or all) of the above questions run through your head… day after day… I might be able to help.

Hey, it's Brenda Power here… 👋

And, while I don't claim to know it all, I HAVE helped hundreds of small business owners transform their businesses & life through classroom delivered, accredited business training courses. I delivered the training as a qualified workplace assessor and trainer but as an entrepreneur myself, I saw a gap in supporting small business entrepreneurs who are constrained by time and money, so I created a sustainable step by step action plan. They call themselves Hearth Heroes 💪

And yet…

Not that long ago, I was in your shoes.

Those early days were rough.

I'd take a step forward only to take three more back. I was drowning in ongoing cash-flow issues, struggling to pay the bills resulting in working long hours, trading time for money. This increased tension with my partner who thought (said) I did nothing all day and this impacted my confidence and ability to be there for our four boys and to be a 'good mum’.

Anyways, if that's kinda how you feel right now...

Let me give you a road map, so that you stop hitting dead ends or getting lost on back roads, and instead take the fast lane to get cash-flow under control, streamline processes and reduce wasting time so you can confidently balance parenthood and working from home in a way you can be proud of.

Let me show you how to Take Control & Burn Brighter 💪

👇 Here is what I’m proposing. 👇

I’ve had a TONNE of Parents who are Small Business Entrepreneurs, working from home reach out to me asking for my help.

So I had this crazy idea to build a step by step plan to guide you from poor cashflow, desperate to prove that it's not a waste of time, questioning what you’re doing, being exhausted from second guessing every move and fearful of missing time with your family to getting your business under control and balancing being a parent working from home and growing your business in six weeks.

No fluff. No messing around, just a simple plan to take you from poor cashflow, desperate to prove that it's not a waste of time, questioning what you’re doing, being exhausted from second guessing every move and fearful of missing time with your family to getting your business under control and balancing being a parent working from home and growing your business.

✅ If you are interested in claiming one of the TEN spots available, head over and comment on Instagram or Facebook with FIREUP & I will personally send you the details. 

👉 Check out our blogs for more information


May your hearth always be warm, your spirit ablaze.

Until next time, fire up!

Brenda Power

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